Sorry for the long gap since I last wrote. Much has been happening. CREst’s Funday, organised by Jill, went off very well and was attended by the Liz Green, the LibDem leader of the Council and Ian Thomas RBK’s new Chief executive.

The meetings on the proposed Regeneration have been numerous and there are now models of the new apartments on display in the Tadlow Hub. The Residents, ballot will not take place until early 2020.
One Norbiton and CREst are busy refurbishing their Madingley Hub and setting up the emergency food pantry. We continue to cooperate feeding 40 to 50 needy and homeless Norbitonians every Tuesday thanks to an excellent team of volunteers.
The running of the Halls has been very busy and onerous, particularly for Jill. She has been called at all hours seven days a week – an unacceptable workload for a paid worker let alone a volunteer. Therefore from now on she will be available only during normal weekday office hours (9.00 to 17.00) and on the Hall Mobile 07762 808787. It is possible for users to book the Halls on this site at any time (see the site menu).
However this community service is earning us a very useful income to support all our other activities (which are, of course, non-profit making). Better still we have been attracting new hirers such residents holding parties at weekends. At our meetings of users, there has been general approval for how we have been administering the Halls . Under our agreement with RBK, when our earnings exceed the halls’ running costs, the difference will be used to build up a Community Chest for the benefit of all residents on both Estates.