As soon as over 250 signatures were received requesting a call-in of their decision to treat CRE residents unfairly, RBK changed the rules about permitting Change.org to be used. At 10.00 pm last night they emailed us saying that they now required either hard copy signatures or that all petitioners used RBK’s own e-petition software before they would accept any Call-in as valid.

This RBK e-petition site is more awkward as it requires petitioners to register. However it can be reached using the following link.
We do hope that all our members and their Kingston friends will not mind repeating the call-in using it. Also we hope that none of you will think any the worse of our current Administration for making this surprising change because our objective remains to get fair treatment for all and to achieve collaboration rather than conflict.

The further 100 signatures need to be delivered to Guildhall by 5.00 pm this Friday and we have already collected over 60.

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Quiz Night


Charity Quiz Night

  • Date: 4th Mar 2014
  • Location: Guildhall
  • Time: 19:00 - 22:30
  • Cost: £6
Charity Quiz Night in aid of Mayor's Charity Appeal 2013/14 Join us on Tuesday 4 March for a fantastic quiz night in aid of the Mayor’s Charity Appeal 2013/2014 (supporting the Alzheimer’s Society and Princes Alice Hospice). The event will be held in the Guildhall, Kingston. Doors open 7pm, quiz starts 7.30pm. A cash bar will be available on site for drinks. Please feel free to bring your own nibbles. Event closes at approximately 10.30pm. Latest deadline for entries is Monday 24 February. To book please contact the Mayor’s Office, on 020 8547 5027/5030 or email [email protected]