We are awaiting for final agreement to our plans to refurbish our Community Hub in Madingley.

Kevin Davies has responded to One Norbiton’s request to to speak at a public meeting on Tuesday 29th November, chaired by former Mayor Ed Naylor. He will talk about RBK’s plans for Regenerating the Cambridge Rd Estate and respond to questions from residents.

We are awaiting the result of a bid we have just made to RBK Housing Service to improve the capacity of Residents to engage with the Council in Co-Design and Co-production.(We will be printing the text of this bid on this site so that members can see its relevance to expanding the scope of Localism.)

One Norbiton AGM at 6.00 on 4th October 2016 in Piper Hall

Hopefully as many of you as possible will be able to find time to come to the One Norbiton AGM next Tuesday. A number of officers are up for election and we have quite a lot of news about what is happening.
In future AGMs will occur in early February each year. This will enable the membership to examine and criticise the accounts before they are submitted to HMRC.

The paperwork for this AGM will be sent round by email as usual but it will also be put on this site for those who want to access it on-line.

Agenda for AGM on 4th Oct 2016

Minutes of EGM

Annual Report of Accounts 2014/15

Chair’s Annual Report of Progress N.B.The Draft Community Plan referred to in this Report is the last item in Menu above

The Project Plan for Refurbishing the Community Hub submitted to Housing.

RBK’s new Decant Policy

The plans for regenerating Norbiton’s Cambridge Rd Estate will shortly be out for discussion. In preparation for this RBK’s Website is publishing Draft Decant Policy on how it proposes to move residents and leaseholders during the rebuilding upheavals. All on the Estate are advised to read these policies and discuss them with their neighbours.Click here

Our One Norbiton e-Democracy forum exists to assist sharing views on this sort of issue and we hope you will use it.
RBK is surveying the opinions of Tenants and Leaseholder on this policy (click on link below) so please let them know what you think before midnight on the 9th of September 2016.

What is One Norbiton?

A number of people have been asking for a brief explanation on what One Norbiton is all about, so four of us have written the short account below. Please use the forum to add your comments or queries.

Ed Naylor, Jill Preston, David Ryder-Mills and Mike D’Souza

One Norbiton is a volunteer-run organisation that has been in existence for more than five years. It was set up by RBK and the Cabinet, with a single central grant from the DCLG. It is part of the Localism/ Big Society initiative that has cross-party support.
When the project first started, we identified through consultation with Norbiton residents several of their key concerns and these are listed in our Governing Documents as our Aims. We also have set up a Limited Company to help with our organisation and governance and to enable us to tackle any tasks that require a bank account. Our overriding aim is to promote mutual support and wellbeing within our community.
Therefore, we are in the process of creating an internet café/Hub, using some of our original One Norbiton funding, to provide local groups and agencies a central place to work together and share experiences. We are already running several projects which directly benefit the local community and address local concerns such as the Street Drinkers’ Outreach, Surrey Save Credit Union, Foodbank and benefit checks and advice.
Within this refurbished Hub we intend to establish a private office with internet access, where police can engage and interact with our local community. This facility has been requested by our local residents in every survey undertaken over many years. We feel that it will enable the Police to provide crime prevention advice directly into one of Kingston’s hotspots for drugs, anti-social behaviour and domestic violence; which are the three highest reported crimes in Norbiton.
We now have a Community Working Group of volunteers from all parts of the ward and run an eDemocracy forum of over 150 members to facilitate contributions from all who live, work or study in Norbiton.

The Regeneration of the Cambridge Rd Estate. RBK Drop-ins

RBK is running drop-in sessions to help inform residents about the Council’s Regeneration proposals. Below are a list of future resident drop-in’s:

Wednesday 23rd March
Wednesday 27th April
Wednesday 25th May
Thursday 30th June

With the feedback, received the March drop-in is going to be between 4-8.
Future timings of the drop-in’s are to be confirmed going forward but Jill will post further to let you know when these have been confirmed by RBK.



On Friday 17th of February One Norbiton, AfC (Achieving for Children) and Oxygen held the first meeting of the youth club we have set up to replace the Norbiteens. The photo above shows those who attended.The age group will be 13 to 17 and it will meet on term time Wednesday evenings at 5.30 in Piper Hall. The teenagers themselves have chosen the name NY@PH which stands for ‘New Youth at Piper Hall’. If you know any local teens who might be interested they can contact Jill on

Congratulations Norbiteens!

Today five members of our new “Norbiteen” Children’s Enterprise; Chloe, Andrew, Harry, Reece and Alex successfully completed our first pilot month of Rewarded Volunteering.

They are seen in this picture after having received their Vouchers from our Vice Chair Harry Hall who thought of the idea of creating an Enterprise for 13 to 17yr olds as part of our One Norbiton TaskForce. Also in this picture is our Secretary Jill Preston who is administering the project and Josh one of our former local NEETs now being helped by Maundy Todd.

One Norbiton’s suggestion for new flats adopted.

One Norbiton’s Housing sub-group suggested in 2012 that the Mezzanine floors of all the tower blocks should be made into 16 flats. The idea was soundly rejected then by Simon Oelman of RBK Housing on the grounds that the concrete could not be drilled to make windows. We now learn that this idea has not only been adopted but has been funded!

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Quiz Night


Charity Quiz Night

  • Date: 4th Mar 2014
  • Location: Guildhall
  • Time: 19:00 - 22:30
  • Cost: £6
Charity Quiz Night in aid of Mayor's Charity Appeal 2013/14 Join us on Tuesday 4 March for a fantastic quiz night in aid of the Mayor’s Charity Appeal 2013/2014 (supporting the Alzheimer’s Society and Princes Alice Hospice). The event will be held in the Guildhall, Kingston. Doors open 7pm, quiz starts 7.30pm. A cash bar will be available on site for drinks. Please feel free to bring your own nibbles. Event closes at approximately 10.30pm. Latest deadline for entries is Monday 24 February. To book please contact the Mayor’s Office, on 020 8547 5027/5030 or email