Hub project

Final Plan for creating a Community Hub out of the Community Shop in Madingley
Creating a Community Hub version 22

We are now inviting a quotes for this tender (See attached below). Because of the proposed CRE regeneration these works will be more limited than we originally intended and will not include breaking through into the neighbouring ground floor room.

Tender for HUB v2 with revised plan

Creating a Community Hub

Project Plan February 2015

Jill Preston & Mike D’Souza

Brief Synopsis

  • This is a proposal to refurbish the Community Shop and an adjoining unused room in the ground floor of the Madingley Tower block.
  • The aim is to create a Community Hub and refreshment s area for all who live, work or learn in Norbiton Ward.
  • The Hub would provide residents with free Internet access and support for their IT needs. Participant community groups, charities & public services could meet each other for mutual support and to engage with residents to recruit their volunteer support. Local events and services will be advertised on a screen in the Hub’s front window.
  • This Hub will also provide a small office space for One Norbiton facilitating its current activities i.e. a) Running its ‘Surrey Save’ credit union outpost, b) its branch of the Food Bank and c) Its Norbiteens project to enable youth on the estate to get work experience.
  • Additionally these facilities could enable us to set up a baking oven to interest the Norbiteens and other local people in cooking and to produce bread and buns.
  • Surveys have indicated that this initiative is wanted by both the public and all participant groups
  • The project works will be overseen by a committee of the current participant groups and, once the work is finished this committee will continue to supervise the running of the Hub through a management committee derived from participating groups and Local Authority representatives.
  • The budget for this project is estimated to be at least £17,000. This will be mainly sourced as follows: £5000 One Norbiton DCLG grant to hand £5000 RBK Housing (prior promise) £5000 (In kind) from Axis and other RBK Contractors plus money raised from locality schemes and additional grants.
  • The project will be led by local CRE resident and CREst Chair Jill Preston with the support of the One Norbiton Community Working Group, of which she is Secretary.




Executive Summary

What is a Community HUB?


Why is this project needed?

One Norbitons Values

Key Learning Points from Pilot:

Detailed Project Description

Business Activities

Community and Educational Activities

Governance and Management


Data protection

Running Costs

Equality and Diversity

Financial Management


Outcomes monitoring and evaluation

Other Monitoring

Partners & Supporters



Appendix 1 Floor Plans ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………14

Appendix 2 Example of Community Survey Results………………………………………………………………………….15

Appendix 3 Security Policy and Procedures……………………………………………………………………………………..17

Appendix 4 Risk Assessment……………………………………………………………………………………………………………19

Appendix 5 Data Protection Policy………………………………………………………………………………………………….19






Executive Summary

This is a project to refurbish two areas on the ground floor of the Madingley tower block to serve as a community hub. We believe that this will be both practicable and of benefit to our council and our local population. We already have evidence from community needs assessments that many existing charities and public services would welcome its creation and would support the proposed use of these centrally situated premises. For example: The Police, Citizens Advice, Surrey Save, Community Connected, Refugee Action and LEAH. This includes;

  • The intended use of the building and a project timetable.
  • The structural work could be completed in a single phase and then further equipment could be added as demand increased.
  • A technical feasibility study is being prepared showing the cost of bringing the buildings up to a suitable standard for the proposed use.
  • Alternative places were examined. These were the Old Laundry in Cambridge Gardens and the currently derelict Surrey Sports Centre. The costs of refurbishing the former was £70k and the latter £350K which is why both were rejected
  • A plan which sets out the capital set up costs and on-going revenue costs and how this is to be funded
  • How we propose to evaluate its outcome and how the community will be consulted via our e-democracy service

Although the Council would not want to enter into any long-term arrangements which may potentially impact on future estate renewal/regeneration proposals, they have already proposed leasing these premises to One Norbiton for a peppercorn rent. Any lease would need to include redevelopment break options in the Council’s favour to protect the Council’s position on this basis. Furthermore because One Norbiton cannot at the present time guarantee its funding beyond three years, the most likely option favoured by both parties would be for a lease with a term of initially 3 years, and rolling annual or five yearly breaks thereafter.

  • The overall budget for this project is currently estimated at approximately £15,000. We believe this can be sourced as follows:
  • £5,000 of this has been allocated out of the £42,000 DCLG grant to One Norbiton,
  • A further £5,000 has been promised by RBK housing. An unspecified sum of work towards Community needs has been included in the Axis contract.
  • There are also various funds such as ‘the Bill fund’ and a residual CDF grant that could add to the pot. Finally there is merit in trying to raise the residual required from the locality.
  • Key issues still to be resolved are who would use it and share its running costs.


What is a Community Hub?

Our concept of a Community Hub is a place that serves as a venue for various communal activities:

  • A meeting point for public servants, charity workers and local residents.
  • A place where a range of useful services may be sited such as a branch of the Credit Union and Citizens Advice Bureau.
  • A convenient place to obtain free internet access and be supported with IT needs.
  • An educational centre where our local youth can be organised to do jobs and gain job experience in traditional trades such as Baking and perhaps newer activities such as 3D printing.
  • A warm and welcoming coffee/tea venue to promote mutual understanding and collaboration between people wanting to improve the quality of life in this locality
  • A site for the Office of One Norbiton*

The regulation of the Hub will be by a steering committee of its permanent users led by One Norbiton CWG. The chosen place for this Hub is the present Community shop combined with a recently discovered unused back room on the ground floor of the same Madingley Tower block. RBK Housing has now offered One Norbiton this space for rental at a peppercorn rate. They have even been quoted in the local press! However, this document will be used as a tool to seek formal agreement of this project.


The present Community Shop was equipped by the CAP project over five years ago. CAP was publicly funded by the PCT and RBK it seems therefore sensible for us to build on the efforts already put in.

Specifically, One Norbiton exists to improve the democratic involvement, health and quality of life of those who live, work and study in Norbiton ward and the surrounding areas. Therefore creating a hub will assist in furthering all of our aims and promote effective community engagement.

Why is this project needed?

Norbiton is an area of deprivation with 27.4% of children in the Norbiton ward living in poverty. Within one LSOA (Lower Super Output Area) in the ward, 39.5% of children live in poverty, whilst on the Cambridge Estate, 45.2% of children live in poverty. This compares with 13.8% for the borough as a whole.

(Source: Royal Borough of Kingston website, Data Observatory: Children: Child Poverty; accessed 21st May 2014)[1]
(Source: One Kingston Child Poverty Needs Assessment Refresh 2013)[2]

Within Norbiton, the Cambridge Estate area is the most deprived LSOA in the borough, ranking in the top 5% most deprived in England.

(Source: Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames Borough Profile 2010/11, p19; accessed 21st May 2014)[3]

Because of this manifest need there are many public service and Charitable activities directed towards this locality. Unfortunately participants often do not know about each other’s existence. and only a few personalities involved know each other. This generates overlaps and potential for Kudos jealousy as, at one time, existed between the two Residents Groups of CREst and CRERA. One Norbiton has a broad brief, which includes interest in all issues that affect quality life, including health and housing. Also it has the key mission to obtain the democratic voice of the whole ward, such that people living in the owner occupied areas of Norbiton will come to see that it is in their own interest to collaborate with their neighbours in social housing to assist in solving existing disadvantages. In particular to ensure that local youngsters get better opportunities. Indeed Local surveys have consistently reported the following three key issues:

  • Antisocial behaviour
  • Lack of youth provision
  • Poor general environment of the area as a place to live in

Surveys include:

  • One Norbiton Community Panel 2012/2013 (120 responses)
  • Play-scheme Project 2009/2012 [169 responses]
  • CAP/CREst project survey 2007 and 2009
  • CREst Fun Day survey 2011
  • You Can project 2010
  • Cambridge Road Estate Residents Association (CRERA) survey (29 responses)

(See Appendix 2 for example details from the One Norbiton Community Panel survey)

Anecdotal responses gleaned from community contact (door-knocking for other projects / consultation, meetings etc.) also confirm these needs.

One of the principal users of the new Hub will be our Norbiteens. They will address these three issues by:

  • Engaging young people with productive activities so they avoid anti-social behaviour, whilst at the same time learning skills and principles which will set them on the path to a positive future
  • Making a difference to the living environment through the work of the young people


One Norbiton’s Values

Norbiteens is committed to:

  • Listening to all residents in the Norbiton area including young people
  • Empowering young people to make choices regarding issues that affect them
  • Placing young people at the heart of the organisation
  • Encouraging young people to be themselves and to pursue what they wish to be.
  • Respecting young people’s identity, sexuality, age, ethnic background, faith and beliefs
  • Providing a safe environment where young people can feel free to discuss any issues that they have




The Marmot Review (2008) also reflects our values

1. Give every child the best start in life
 Enable all children, young people and adults maximize their capabilities and have control over their lives

2. Create fair employment and good work for all

3. Ensure healthy standard of living for all

4. Create and develop healthy and sustainable places and communities

5. Strengthen the role and impact of ill-health prevention.



We have been using the existing Community Shop facilities for 18 month with the Surrey Save Outreach. Also our Norbiteens’ have had their work organised from this venue and have been given various teaching sessions such as talks on Drugs, First Aid etc. This virtual pilot has found that the premises are inadequate. The main room and the office are both too small. Our very active Police Sager neighbourhood Panel is already too big to be accommodated and our wish to teach our Norbiteens basic skills such as baking cannot be done with this facility as it exists

Key Learning Points from Pilot:

  • The existing premises are too small and inadequately equipped
  • We have looked for but cannot find an affordable alternative e.g.

(a) Old Laundry. Our assessment is that a sum of approximately £70,000 was needed to bring the building up to the standard required for occupation for community use. See survey report attached

In order to occupy a building, a lease would be required, which would need to be agreed by the Council’s Policy and Resources Committee. In addition to the requirements set out above, any lease would be subject to the Council’s standard terms and conditions, including duration of lease, break clauses and repairing obligations

(b) Surrey Sports Centre premises (originally built as an underground car park and since the boxing club closed, have not now been in use for around 10 years RBK’s Property team suggest an extensive refit would be required to bring the premises up to the required standard for community use, such as, for example, potential rewiring, upgrades to services and utilities, and general fit out costs, including the renewal of partition walls, which are not compliant with current fire safety provisions for occupancy of premises of this type. We, therefore, expect the initial costs of bringing these premises back to a fit standard for occupation to be considerable. Perhaps as much as £350k

Detailed Project Description

Business Activities

Although this project will seek income-generating ventures, it can be afforded within our existing grant for three years after this it will require on-going funding via new grants or enterprises.

Community and Educational Activities

The project will encourage young people to engage with a range of community and educational activities including:

  • Practical work to improve the living environment in the Norbiton area such as creating a mural in the local play area in conjunction with younger children, painting fences and litter picking. (Some of this work is likely to be done in conjunction with Axis, the company that has the maintenance contract for the Cambridge Estate, with whom we are already in discussions)
  • Intergenerational engagement such as supporting older people to participate in organised events such as bingo days, helping at the Madingley Green Fair and oral history collection – linking educational activities to real life experience of local people
  • Business skills development sessions
  • Life skills sessions

Working with identified community priorities, the young people will be involved in generating further ideas and plans for new activities.

There may be some overlap between Business and Community activities – some community activities may generate income even though that income may not fully cover costs.

Governance and Management

One Norbiton has been a pilot therefore working out the best structure to manage this form of Localism is part of its brief. At present its membership is determined by geography and all those who live work or study in the ward are automatically equal members without subscriptions etc. The Community Working Group, which meets monthly is the sovereign body via a participatory democratic process. It has set up a company limited by guarantee, called One Norbiton to handle its grants and other financial affairs. The directors of this company have to be endorsed by vote at an annual general meeting of the membership in order to carry on in office. Two signatories are required to sign cheques and only appointed officers are authorised to issue invoices. Accounts have to pass Inland Revenue and Companies House standards. They are also independently checked by Mr Robert Markless and will be open for on-going examination on-line. This structure should ideally have separate officers acting for the company to those of the CWG but as there are so few volunteers prepared to take on the burden of One Norbiton, by default currently the same officers are serving in two capacities and relying on transparency to offset conflicts of interest. We are hoping this may change in the future.

Management and Supervision

Overall responsibility for the financial aspects of this project rests with the Directors of One Norbiton with the steering committee reporting at regular intervals to the CWG.

The day-to-day management and supervision of the project will be by the named Project Lead:

The project Lead: Jill Preston

She will chair a committee, which will have representation from:

RBK Housing: Simon Godfrey

ESET: Denise Parry

Police Group: Elaine Kennedy,

Other Community Groups: One Norbiton including the Norbiteens, CREst, CRERA Computer Club , Community Connected, Superhighways, Safer Neighbourhood, Age Concern, Surrey Save, CAB, Kutlets, AFC, Mind, RISE, Food Bank, Community Furniture Project, CaP ( Christians against Poverty) and Save the World.


A committee will be invited composed of all these interested parties (a couple of who were involved with CAP) together any others who are likely to become future participants in running the Hub. This will be chaired by Jill Preston and meet periodically to supervise the works and later act as an on-going supervisory body for the Hub.

Hilary Garner, Denise Parry and Mary Graham will be asked to comment on what we might learn from the CAP experience.

GANTT Chart in preparation

To be added once plans and funding are in place


Preliminary List of Specified Tasks (Subject to revision)

The Front Area

1) Removing the temporary breeze block walls creating the caretakers area and the back room

2) Installing a Front window in the newly enlarged main room

3) Sealing off the loo to kitchen door making this the new private interview room

4) Installing a sliding door from corridor into the Loo – research need for a second loo.

5) Re-plumbing the basin and cistern and adding a support railing for the disabled

6) Re-siting the kitchen cabinets and the computer connections in the main room and back room

7) Constructing an arch access through the wall separating the two areas (N.B. this is a load- bearing wall. This that will need structural engineering advice

Back Area

1. Incorporating the corridor at the entrance and existing room on left into a new office for One Norbiton

2. Install a new side entrance and restore back window and create side window

3. Install power electricity supply sufficient to power an electric oven.

4. Installing water supply and drainage for kitchen sink etc.

Additional expenses

1. Decorating the walls

2. Getting floor covering with carpet squares and linoleum.

3. Acquiring suitable equipment

Specific Equipment

· Larger LED TV /MONITOR Display for the front office window

· New small desk

· Office chairs

· Letterbox for front door. New fascia sign above front door. Wording to be determined

· New front office desktop computer

· Ceiling mounted projector for the main teaching room

· Tea urn and microwave and small milk fridge for main office

· New windows to outside in the front and to the rear in the back room

· Lockable storage cabinets for the participants

· For back Kitchen area: Electric oven for baking, Basin, Larger fridge/ Freezer

  • For general area lockable storage cabinets
  • For new office a Computer and printer/ Photocopier shelving and storage.
  • Telephone and Internet access
  • Alarms

Security, Safety and Safeguarding

One Norbiton takes Safeguarding and safety very seriously and has taken the following steps:

  • A Safeguarding policy / procedure is in place (see Appendix 1).
  • All One Norbiton directors coming into children and vulnerable people must have enhanced DBS checks and First Aid qualification and where necessary Health and Safety and Food Hygiene Certification.
  • All visitors will be registered in and out
  • If affordable CCTV equipment will be installed
  • Electronic Key access will also be installed if possible and shared with RBK Housing
  • Each participant Group will have its own unique password protected computer and internet access.
  • The above will be incorporated in an agreement to be signed by participants. In the event of a breach previously agreed sanctions will be become active.

COSTINGS – Running Costs and Budget:



Building Works £10,000 Equipment £7,000 Total £17000

Still to be fully determined – This is conditional on a survey to establish presence of asbestos.


At present = £15000 Plan Composed of…

£5000 One Norbiton DCLG grant to hand

£5000 RBK Housing (prior promise)

£5000 (In kind) from Axis and money raised from locality

These will be a part of the agreement with RBK housing and been left open for comment

Internet connection


Printer supplies





Rent & Rates: Peppercorn offered Term to be agreed

Other Legal Issues


Running Costs

These will partly depend on the lease agreement we have with RBK Housing. The supervision of the Hub will be shared with all partners.


Equality and Diversity

The project is committed to equality and diversity and aims to offer opportunities to all people. The Project Lead is responsible for ensuring the One Norbiton Equality and Diversity policy is followed.

Data Protection

The project will be holding a range of data relating to its participants, including names, addresses, ages, what hours they have volunteered, what activities they have taken part in, what changes (outcomes) have happened for them, and (where relevant) notes on disciplinary matters.

One Norbiton as the responsible agency for the project must therefore adhere to Data Protection law. One Norbiton:

  • Is registered as a ‘data controller’
  • Has a data protection policy and procedures (see Appendix 2)

As a project of One Norbiton, this Hub will abide by One Norbiton policy and procedures.

The Project Lead has delegated responsibility.

As the work carried out in the Hub is in direct pursuit of One Norbiton’s objects, any trading element of it is classified as primary purpose trading. We are mindful that should we take on elements of non-primary purpose trading, such trading is strictly limited / taxable

Financial Management

  • Accounts are kept on an Excel spread sheet
  • Two signatures are required to withdraw funds
  • Finances are reviewed at each directors’ meeting (usually once a month)
    • Financial management is carried out by Jill Preston
    • Insurance
    • One Norbiton holds Public Liability insurance.
    • Monitoring and Evaluation
    • Targets and Milestones
    • Targets & Milestones:


  • Milestones
    • Milestone 1: To get ON ‘s pilot use of the Shop agreed by RBK housing
    • Achieved -March 2014 for 4 days a week
    • Milestone 2: Get plans professionally drawn up and agreed by CWG and panel on going. Approach made to Kingston University and also potential help might be available from a local Architect
    • Milestone 3: Get RBK Housing budget for refurbishment plan agreed in writing N.B. Offer for £5k made in 2013. 5K agreed from One Norbiton grant,
    • Milestone 4: Get the written agreement of Axis to provide the bulk of this work as a part of its existing contract to provide community work and apprenticeships- discussions have already been opened
    • Milestone 5: Consult with all known associates – Computer Club – ‘Face to Face’ meetings in May and September ’14 , Age Concern, Surrey Save, CAB, Kutlets, Save the World
    • – Meeting held on 8th January 2015 All attending consulted and on board
    • Milestone 6: To explore increasing the site- Examine Back room – Done Jan 2015
    • Milestone 7: Acquire the go –ahead for our plans (in writing) from RBK Housing
    • Milestone 8: Incorporate new suggestion from others in the Plan and design
    • Milestone 9: Obtain detailed project costs.
    • Milestone 10: Raise all requisite monies
    • Milestone 11: Commission this job from AXIS and/or other RBK contractors.
    • Milestone 12: Recruit ONTF members as Apprentices to observe and assist with this work.
    • Milestone 13: Official Opening? in early Summer 2015
    • Milestone 14: Monitor its use and satisfaction of users and on-going costs of having One Norbiton’s office on this site
    • Outcomes Monitoring and Evaluation
    • AIM 1: To produce a satisfactory office
      • Outcome: surveys
      • Quality
      • How measured: Less overlap and more knowledge of participants
      • Through on-going contact with users of the hub



  • AIM 2: To Develop good citizenship amongst local people


  • A sense of civic pride and connection with their environment and community
  • Creating a widespread volunteering ethic
  • Connection and good relationships with older residents and mutual respect
  • Involvement in community events

How measured:

  • Questionnaires, actively sought feedback at meetings
  • Number reaching milestone volunteering awards
  • Community survey amongst older residents; feedback after specific intergenerational events
  • Number of young people taking part in community events
  • AIM 3: Promoting health, wellbeing, self-esteem and confidence amongst local young people


  • People report increased self-esteem
  • People report increased confidence
  • People report improved well-being
  • People report maintained or improved health
  • People feel listened to and valued
  • People do not abuse drugs or alcohol

How measured:

  • 1 to 1 structured meetings/questionnaires
  • AIM 4: Young people taking responsibility for the way they shape their lives


  • People have goals and aspirations and a positive approach to them
  • People feel they have control over their lives
  • People understand and manage their money well

How measured:

  • 1 to 1 structured meetings/questionnaires
  • AIM 5: Benefitting Norbiton residents by carrying out activities prioritised by the local community- developing a sense of ownership over local public money and responsibility over how it is spent.


  • Improved living environment
  • Improved relations amongst whole local community – trust and confidence
  • Improved perception, especially of Cambridge Estate by residents of surrounding areas
  • People from wider community get involved in volunteering locally, having seen Norbiteens volunteering

How measured:

  • Community surveys
  • Information from other local organisations e.g. One Norbiton, of reasons why new volunteers join

All measurements are supplemented by observations and anecdotal reports/evidence

Other Monitoring

The project will record by attendance book:

  • Number and type of activities, (business, community and education)
  • Numbers of people attending each activity
  • Numbers of hours each person spends
  • Overall period for which each person volunteers (e.g. 6 months, 2 years)
  • Equality and diversity information


The One Norbiton Website will be used to publicise

  • Roster of Partner Charities supervising the Hub shown on-line
  • Hall Booking on-line (& shown on the LED Monitor our front window)
  • Also all participants will be encouraged to join and comment in the One Norbiton e-forum


In order to deliver the project, we need a range of resources.

Partners and Supporters

The following organisations have been involved with / consulted about the project:

Darren Welsh – RBK Head of Housing

Helen Terry, Youth Service ‘’ Advice and assisting with training

Geraldine Burgess, Kingston LSCB Local Safe-guarding Children Board: Safeguarding training

Andrew Donaldson ,Service Manager – Maintenance and Facilities Management, RBK: Future projects with RBK

Michelle Seale, Axis: Future projects with Axis

Reniera O’Donnell, Group Manager – Housing Strategy RBK: Future projects with RBK

Edward Davey MP – Member of Parliament representing Norbiton

Cllr Kevin Davis – Leader of RBK Council

Councillors: Linsey Cottington, Sheila Griffin and Bill Brisbane – Norbiton Councillors

Neville Rainsford : RBK Neighbourhood Manager

Local residents groups, CRERA and CREst

Surrey Comet


See the previous list. The Front window will contain a large LED Screen. This will serve

A) As a notice board giving the dates, times and venues of our own and all our associated Partners’ activities

B) Display services available in the Hub such as Food Bank, Surrey Save Loans

C) It could run short Health Educational videos

D) Also advertisements for local shops and services- Helen Terry has offered to nominate this project as a recipient of surplus equipment once the’ Barnfield Centre’ has closed.

Office and other equipment will be resourced as economically as possible


(See ‘Project Structure’)

In this first year, the project relies on committed volunteers, primarily the directorate of One Norbiton and particularly the Project Lead.

APPENDIX 1 Ground Floor Plans

Appendix 1:

(a) Outline Sketch of PRESENT ground plan (Unfortunately Ground plan mislaid by RBK Housing)






(b) Draft Proposal for PLANNED future layout


Appendix 2 Example Community Survey Results


Tasks and issues suggested by our Norbiton Panel and Community surveys:


  • Clean up dog mess around Norbiton Station
  • More police, more rubbish bins & dog bins. More community events
  • Less Litter
  • The Fly tipping problem needs to be solved
  • Stop Fly-tipping in Chatham Road
  • Cleaning up lifts/ less overcrowding/more job prospects
  • … am unhappy with rubbish



  • Less yobs around
  • Have much less pressure on local schools. More play areas. Less drug dealing
  • Less drug dealers
  • Deal with Gangs/drugs/loneliness
  • Less men hanging around streets – makes me feel unsafe when travelling in the dark
  • More police at nights. Concerns about the sale of private houses to students



  • More local community events. Clean up days. Play areas
  • Clean up neglected spaces & front gardens
  • Would like business rates to be nil for vacant property so owners can afford to maintain them.
  • Mend broken fencing



  • Things for young people & job opportunities
  • More things for kids to do



  • Less noisy neighbours
  • More consultation. More choice of local shops


Appendix 3: Security Policy and other Procedures



1. Access to the Community Hub is available free of charge to groups and organizations operating within the Norbiton area.


2. Each group must provide a copy of their Constitution and /or Terms of Reference including their Code of Conduct, Equalities and Child Safeguarding Policy.


3. In order to ensure the safety and wellbeing of local residents they will be expected to provide copies of current DBS (formerly known as CRB) certificates before they are given access to the Hub.


4. No group or organisation will be permitted to operate a business aimed at financial gain or a commercial business.


5. Each group will agree to abide by the Code of Conduct whilst participating in the Community Hub.


6. Each group must sign this agreement in order to received access to the Hub and may only access the Hub outside of their designated time with prior agreement.


7. Where necessary and previously agreed, each group will be allocated storage facilities according to need.


8. It will be the responsibility of each group to provide updated details of their on-going projects for the One Norbiton website.


9. One Norbiton will work with each group to promote activities when and where possible.







SPA – Single Point Contact

020 8547 5008


Social Care Services

(Outside Office Hours)

0208 770 5000


LSCB (Kingston Local Safe-guarding Children Board)





Appendix 4: Risk Assessment

Risk assessment of Hub Project

Risks identified so far and potential solutions

  • Potential trip hazard –participants will be trained and made aware of the potential of trip hazards and asked to be vigilant
  • Fire– Fire doors in situ and Fire drills. No gas for cooking. Fire equipment to be updated and subject to regular check as part of RBK Contract.
  • Health problems– no excess. Fully Equipped First Aid box to be available and regularly checked. Register of trained First Aiders to be available.
  • Lone Working – Hub will be subject to a ‘ safe and sound’ policy
  • Security – Procedures to be agreed to incorporate open and close systems, Fire Safety and all other practicalities listed above
  • Food Hygiene – Checks must be made to ensure those working with food are fully qualified and able to display accredited certificate.
  • Health and Safety – Participants to be offered Risk Assessment Training via KVA.
  • Child Safeguarding – Safeguarding training and D & B certificates to be checked.

Appendix 5: Data Protection Policy

Information on participants held on computer will be protected by a password and any hard copies of information will be locked in a cabinet.




Entry details: Company’s house registration number: 08275614

Registration reference Application date: A1006065 04 June 2013

Nature of work description

Nature of work – Charity (Local)

Description of processing The following is a broad description of the way this organisation/data controller processes personal information. To understand how your own personal information is processed you may need to refer to any personal communications you have received, check any privacy notices the organisation has provided or contact the organisation to ask about your personal circumstances.

Reasons/purposes for processing information

Customer enquiry contact details


Organisation name: ONE NORBITON

Register of data controllers

We process personal information to enable us to provide a voluntary service for the benefit of the public in a particular geographical area as specified in our constitution; administer membership records; to fundraise and promote the interests of the charity; manage our employees and volunteers; maintain our own accounts and records.

Type/classes of information processed We process information relevant to the above reasons/purposes. This may include: • personal details • family detail • lifestyle and social circumstances • membership details • goods and services • financial details • education and employment details

We also process sensitive classes of information that may include: • physical or mental health details • racial or ethnic origin • religious or other beliefs of a similar nature Who the information is processed about We process personal information about: • members • staff, volunteers • trustees • complainants, supporters • enquirers • advisers and representatives of other organisations Who the information may be shared with We sometimes need to share the personal information we process with the individual themself and also with other organisations. Where this is necessary we are required to comply with all aspects of the Data Protection Act (DPA). What follows is a description of the types of organisations we may need to share some of the personal information we process with for one or more reasons.

Where necessary or required we share information with: • members • family, associates or representatives of the person whose personal data we are processing • employees • current, past and prospective employers • healthcare, social and welfare organisations • educators and examining bodies • financial organisations

Register of data controllers

• Employment and recruitment agencies • survey or research organisations • business associates and professional advisers • providers of goods and services • local and central government • other voluntary and charitable organisations

Consultancy and Advisory Services Information is processed for consultancy and advisory services that are offered. For this reason the information processed may include name, contact details, family details, financial details, and the goods and services provided. This information may be about customers and clients. Where necessary this information is shared with the data subject themselves, business associates and other professional advisers, current, past or prospective employers and service providers.

Trading and Sharing Personal Information Personal information is traded and shared as a primary business function. For this reason the information processed may include name, contact details, family details, financial details, employment details, and goods and services. This information may be about customers and clients. The information may be traded or shared with business associates and professional advisers, agents, service providers, customers and clients, and traders in personal data.

Providing Financial Services and Advice Personal information is also processed in order to provide financial services and advice. For this reason the information processed may include name, contact details, family details, lifestyle and social circumstances, financial details, goods and services and sensitive classes of information that may include physical or mental health details. This information may be about clients, family and associates of clients, suppliers and enquirers. Where necessary or required this information is shared with the data subjects themselves, professional advisers and consultants, services providers, credit reference agencies.

Undertaking Research Personal information is also processed in order to undertake research. For this reason the information processed may include name, contact details, family details, lifestyle and social circumstances, financial details, good and services. The sensitive types of information may include physical or mental health details, racial or ethnic origin and religious or other beliefs. This information is about survey respondents. Where necessary or required this information may be shared with customers and clients, agents, service providers, survey and research organisations.

Register of data controllers

Transfers: It may sometimes be necessary to transfer personal information overseas. When this is needed information is only shared within the European Economic Area (EEA). Any transfers made will be in full compliance with all aspects of the data protection act.

Tier assessment questionnaire Question 1: Is your organisation a charity or have exempt charitable status? No Question 2: Does your organisation have more than 249 staff? No Question 3: Is the organisation a public authority as defined in the Data Project Act of 1998? Not Answered Question 4: Did your organisation have a turnover of £25.9 million or more in the last financial year Not Answered Question 5: Has your organisation been in existence for more than a month? Yes

Compliance questionnaire

Someone in my place of work is responsible for making sure we comply with the Data Protection Act Yes

Relevant people in my place of work have been trained in how to handle personal information Yes

We have a process in place so we can respond to requests for the personal information we hold Yes When collecting personal information, we tell people how we will use it Yes

We keep records of people’s personal information up to date and don’t keep it longer than necessary Yes

We have security measures in place to keep the personal data we hold safe Yes

Additional information not published on public register Yes

Register of data controllers: Caldecott Guardian trained Yes (MFDS)

Main contact details


Postal address:

28 Albany Park Road, Kingston Upon Thames KT2 5SW

Email address: [email protected]

Landline telephone number: 020 85467681

One Norbiton is a Company Limited by Guarantee
Company registration number: 8275614
Registered address: 61 Graveley, Willingham Way. KT1 3HY
Email: [email protected] Website:
Mobile: 07910 844427 Text: 07905 227448

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Quiz Night


Charity Quiz Night

  • Date: 4th Mar 2014
  • Location: Guildhall
  • Time: 19:00 - 22:30
  • Cost: £6
Charity Quiz Night in aid of Mayor's Charity Appeal 2013/14 Join us on Tuesday 4 March for a fantastic quiz night in aid of the Mayor’s Charity Appeal 2013/2014 (supporting the Alzheimer’s Society and Princes Alice Hospice). The event will be held in the Guildhall, Kingston. Doors open 7pm, quiz starts 7.30pm. A cash bar will be available on site for drinks. Please feel free to bring your own nibbles. Event closes at approximately 10.30pm. Latest deadline for entries is Monday 24 February. To book please contact the Mayor’s Office, on 020 8547 5027/5030 or email [email protected]