1.02 Current Directors

Chair: Mike D’Souza
MD FRCGP FFPHM Dip Clinical Immunology Dip Clinical Dermatology SMMGP Pt 1
FRSA Invited committee member resident of Norbiton 1975-82 and Kingston till present.
Dr Michael D’Souza qualified at Guy’s and practiced as a GP in Kingston-upon-Thames with
Dr Boxer & Partners from 1975 to 2011. He had specialist training in Allergy, Epidemiology
and Community Medicine and has done research in Asthma and Substance abuse and on
the value of Health Check-ups. He was Chairman of TORCHE CC Ltd, a not- for-profit
company that ran CareCreds, a self-help addiction service.
• In the 1980s he spent over five years as a District Health Authority member
• In 1992 he was the co-founder and originating Chairman of the Kingston & Richmond
Multifund – a consortium of 165 fundholding GPs caring for over a third of a million patients.
(This was the originating model for our modern CCGs {Clinical Commissioning Groups})
• Between 1990 and 1992 he was Medical Journalist on the Sunday People, Today and
Daily Mirror
• Since 1996 he has been a member of A.C.R.A. the NHS Advisory Committee on Resource
Allocation advising to the Secretary of State on how to fairly distribute all NHS funding.
• Between 1978 and 2005 he was GP Tutor for Kingston. He is married to a retired local GP
and has three children and seven grandchildren.

Jill Preston Vice Chair, Director & Company Secretary
– Resident Cambridge Rd Estate for over a decade
Schooling: – 13 ‘O’ Levels 3 A levels – Statistics; Physics and English
Training: Institute Personnel Management Grades A – C (Assistant Staff Manager level)
Experience: Retail Office Management; Store Room Manager-Retail Food & Restaurant
Management; Assistant Staff Manager
All passed with distinction
EMPLOYMENT 1974 – 1980
BHS: – 1977 –78 Retail Management trainee
Studied Personnel, Office, Catering and Retail management
Assist/ Manager/ Acting Personnel Manager/ Departmental Manager
Office Manager incorporating:
Admin, Marketing, Accounts, Minute taking and meeting admin, Event Planning and
Magazine Distribution, BMF Rally co-organiser International Motorcycle Show, National
General Secretary of Organisation
Management Planning and acting as Lead Event manager or key annual events such as
AGM, Annual and regional conferences, Multi National Rallies and co-organiser of Annual
Nation Rally Training students from local colleges. Coordinating bi-monthly Magazine. Mail-
Sort and updating of computer data systems.
Further in-post Training
1992 Sage ‘Accountant Plus’ 1 week computer course Distinction
1995 Mensa – IQ 159 – Top 1%
2006 Financial planning – KVA course Event management – KVA
First Aid level 2 = Surrey Ambulance Service – Grade A
Chair of CREst A Community Charity on the Cambridge Rd Estate Since 2006 Company
Secretary and Director of One Norbiton since 2012

Clive Clarke – Company Director One Norbiton Flat 25, 82 Eaton Drive, Kingston Upon
Thames, Surrey, England, KT2 7QZ Appointed on 19 February 2015 Nationality British
Director JOEL COMMUNITY SERVICES (09140549) Appointed on 21 July 2014

Rashid Ali Ismail Laher – Company Director One Norbiton 13 Dinton Road, Kingston
Upon Thames, Surrey, England, KT2 5JT ONE NORBITON (08275614) ACTIVE Appointed
on 19 February 2015 Nationality British/Indian Retired British Army Officer AGE CONCERN
KINGSTON UPON THAMES (02272550) Company status: Director Appointed on 31
October 2000

Phil Hutchinson Company Director One Norbiton 24 Eton Avenue, New Malden,
England, KT3 5AZ Appointed 28 October 2016 Trained geographer Retired Secondary Head
teacher and consultant on school design. One previous c.v. claimed “His opinion is widely
sought and published by the national and educational press and as far away as Finland and
The Czech Republic.” (based on the fact I have had articles in the national press and been
interviewed for articles in Finland and The Czech Republic. I didn’t write the cv – simply sent
in bullet point information). Worked co-operatively in those roles: As Head teacher – – Led on
many inter school projects – Established one of the first school, if not the first, twinning
arrangements with the government’s DfES – Set up twinning arrangement with sixthform/
adult ed. college in Denmark – Conference speaker As School design consultant – –
Worked with architects, national/international construction companies and local authorities –
Worked with companies bidding to win contracts to build schools Currently: Working with a
local Debt Centre and the local Credit Union to help alleviate debt and tackle deprivation
Delivering a money management course Trying to work co-operatively by linking with other
local organisations (e.g. Kingston Pound, Community Brain, Foodbank) Working with
university on research project into poverty and deprivation Speaking at churches, local
organisations on the debt centre Skills/Qualities: (provided by Jenny, my wife) Ability to work
with others Lateral thinker, Sense of humour, Caring

Geraldine Burgess Company Director One Norbiton & Treasurer One Norbiton and
53 Windsor Avenue New Malden Surrey KT3 5H Appointed 28 October 2016 I have
worked in childcare for over 35 years, as a frontline worker in a school, disabled children’s
team and now as a manager of a team of short break workers. Over this time, I have been a
Children’s Nanny, Foster-Carer and Training Officer. I am responsible for the supervision of
7 front line workers in children’s social care, this includes being aware of the risks that
children and young people are managing in their families. I chair the Short Breaks Funding
Panel for Achieving for Children in both the Kingston and Richmond Integrated Service for
Children with Disabilities. I am a budget signatory for several budgets within AFC and have
responsibility for ensuring the funds given to parents as direct payment is used
appropriately. In my home life I care for my husband who has a long term health condition, I
volunteer for CREST and Spartan Swimming Club. I previously lived in social housing on the
Cambridge Road Estate. I also do the accounts for a youth club that I work on.

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Quiz Night


Charity Quiz Night

  • Date: 4th Mar 2014
  • Location: Guildhall
  • Time: 19:00 - 22:30
  • Cost: £6
Charity Quiz Night in aid of Mayor's Charity Appeal 2013/14 Join us on Tuesday 4 March for a fantastic quiz night in aid of the Mayor’s Charity Appeal 2013/2014 (supporting the Alzheimer’s Society and Princes Alice Hospice). The event will be held in the Guildhall, Kingston. Doors open 7pm, quiz starts 7.30pm. A cash bar will be available on site for drinks. Please feel free to bring your own nibbles. Event closes at approximately 10.30pm. Latest deadline for entries is Monday 24 February. To book please contact the Mayor’s Office, on 020 8547 5027/5030 or email [email protected]