The One Norbiton Community Plan-approved 2017

Below are all the previous versions of our neighbourhood plans. The list is headed by a Draft of the 2017 plan that has not yet been approved by the CWG. Please discuss it on the Forum. Big issues like the CRE regeneration have not been addressed specifically. But the hope is that, after revision, it can be formally adopted at an AGM.


One Norbiton Draft Neighbourhood Aims 2016

Vision for Norbiton
‘To improve the democratic involvement, health and quality of life of those who live, work and study in Norbiton ward and surrounding areas

This is a revised version of our 2013 Aims

Overall Aims – To unite our community so that the North and South work together.
To help all Residents, Students and Workers engage with supporting their neighbours and have a proper democratic say in the future of their environment and life opportunities.”
1. Housing
To support an appropriate mix of Social, Affordable and Owner-occupied housing, in particular press for an increase the amount of necessary Social housing, in particular for singletons, older persons and disabled and that any future regeneration plans command both community and cross-party support.
2. Green Spaces and Hogs mill river
to enhance the appearance of Norbiton and preserve our existing green spaces and to develop a Hogs Mill riverside walk.
3. Transport
To create better transport links e.g. to enlarge the K bus route to include the CRE to help our elderly get easier access to Kingston Hospital. Also to promote health by encourage safe walking, cycling and use of public transport and seek ways to avoid traffic congestion e.g. explore the feasibility of developing a car free estate.
4. Wellbeing
To promote the Health, Education and Physical, and Mental development of all residents (including the young and the elderly). To run regular Post Code parties to improve mutual community contact and engagement. To manage the nuisance caused by local street drinkers. To set up and support a local youth club. To develop a Community hub that facilitates joint work between public services such as Housing, Social Services and the NHS. And to run an Internet café to support the Community needs for using the Internet and provide a common meeting ground where Charities and others can collaborate.
5. Local Centres
To enhance the character, quality and distinctiveness of key 
local centres including supporting viable local shopping for residents and visitors to enjoy and so that our local businesses benefit. To set up and support a local Credit Union loan facility and to support the Food Bank
6.Public Finance
To scrutinise local public money spend and ensure it is used in the most effective and economic way and in the best interests of those who live, work and study in Norbiton. Specifically to develop ways in which Health, Social Care and Housing Budgets can be employed to work together rather than be rigidly hypothecated.

• To hold at least six meetings a year of the

One Norbiton Company and Forum

Chair: Dr Mike D’Souza
Vice Chair: Vacant
Treasurer: Vacant
Company Secretary: Jill Preston
Directors: Clive Clarke and Rashid Laher
(+ Up to five more Directors )
Invitees to the Forum Committee

Suggested Membership
Voluntary & Community Representation
• 1 Faith groups
• 1 Amenity Groups:
• 3 ‘area’ reps from local residents: CRE; Cambridge Gardens;
• Private Householders
• 1 Youth organisations:
• 1 Community Groups
7 representatives
Service Providers & Businesses
• 1 Education)
• 1 Health:
• 1 Police:
• 1 Youth:
• 1 Social services:
• 2 business reps –Norbiton Traders
7 representatives
Three Ward Councillors: Sheila Griffin, Bill Brisbane, Lindsey Cottingham

Our original 2013 Plan is included below

June 2013

Our Objectives
“To improve the democratic involvement, health and quality of life of those who live, work and study in Norbiton ward and surrounding areas.”

• We will never have any party political, commercial, or religious affiliations.

Suggested on-going measures of our success and how we will source them

• Reduction in local public service costs (Council)
• Decrease local crime rates (Police)
• Improved local educational attainment (Schools)
• Reduction in local benefit claims (Local JC plus Statistics)
• Reduced local family breakdown (Courts)
• Increased population stability (Housing surveys)
• Improvement in local health measures (NHS)
• Improvement in local quality of life (Serial measures from randomly selected panel. Ourselves)
• Reduced loneliness Debt etc. (Serial measures from randomly selected panel. Ourselves)
• Democratic involvement (Ourselves E-Democracy)


Every year we will try to agree specific annual targets. This will fit in with our ten-year plan. Both of these will be voted on at our Annual meeting to which all our constituents are invited. The Community Forum may revise them both during the course of the year. Specific projects must have at least an outline business plan stating:

WHY – it is being done and where it fit in to our local Community plan

WHO- is leading and who will be involved

WHERE- it will be done

WHEN – it will start, finish and be reported on

HOW- it will it be done and how outcome will be measured

WHAT- difference it is hoped it will make.

How One Norbiton will collaborate with local Partners

Joint Policy making and joint annual manifesto
Joint Blog debate over content and priority
Determine what would be a convincing public voice for them to change policy?

How will we respond if our public servants only pay us lip service?
In the interests of ongoing collaboration in general this must be a graduated response
A) Escalate requests up their line management command (Acquire allies upstairs)
B) Appeal to arbitration (?Financial ombudsman)over the compact made with budget holders
C) Undertake our own Blogs and E-Democracy
D) Approach the local Media for support

Our Notional Community Budget

The LGIU has reported (2013) that at least £104 million is spent on the 10,000 people living in Norbiton ward. i.e. about £1,000 per person. (Of interest was the observation that although Norbiton is by far the poorest and sickest part of this very rich borough there is virtually no difference in the distribution of resources).
However at this stage we do not feel able to manage such a sum. However we do need to influence the discretionary spending of our public servants particularly in the furtherance of this plan. We also require a modest budget derived from LIS and other existing charitable funding sources for our own administration and projects. The negotiation of amount, timing and audit of these monies should be commenced this year, perhaps on a project- by- project basis.



• OUR INTERNAL NEEDS Set up office and administration. Learn how tasks such as office refurbishment can be priced and funded. Continue to advertise One Norbiton. Explore the value of drop-in volunteering. Continue to recruit random panel with Confidential Enquiry and E-Democracy participants. Learn more about the roles of Business; Charities; NHS and Schools
• THE WARD’s NEEDS Set up One Norbiton Task Force. Establish Surrey Save outreach. Start developing a plan for improving the Environment promoting more local green space access for our people. Continue Rainbow Games. Street scene clean up etc. Further our understanding of our Ward services – review of our major providers, Improve Signage. Work with Food Bank.

Program of monthly meetings 2013-2014
May Neighborhood plans. Notional Community Budgets / Neville Rainsford
June How RBK is structured and works-/David Smith
July Localism and the NHS Community Health plans. ?Liz Trayhorn
August The plans for Norbiton/ Head of Planning Department
September Specific Issues Drug Addiction/ Homelessness
October Care of Dependents Elderly/ Mentally ill/ Disabled/ Under fives
November AGM using community views to help direct public money spenders
January Winter problems -Debt Fuel Food etc.
February Crime Violence and Personality problems/Neighborhood Watch
March Environment
April Development of Specific areas of Norbiton Public Housing
May Schools and Youth engagement
June E-Democracy
July Community Rangers set up
August SUMMER BARBECUE and Fun plans for future with CREst
September Symposium on Localism and Locally Integrated Services
October Reducing Urban stress by a more effective response to complaints etc
November AGM
December Christmas Party

N.B. Items in red will appear in our One Norbiton Calendar

Funding Requirements for 2013 and beyond

(Received from DCLG via RBK Communications Dept. £5000) for

• Wider communication within the Ward and Public meetings and Calendar etc.

Targets for war chests

• Our Office Buildings
• Surrey Sports Centre
• Our Mezzanine Project for creating16 extra flats)

Income for our running costs

• Staff
• Office costs
• Posters etc.
• ONTF Jobs
• Signage
• Fences

Draft Outline Ten year plan



Boost participation. Set up Forum to replace CWG Establish Admin funding and infrastructure Bank account etc. Office. Task Force Recruitment Confidential inquiry, Barbecues on Madingley Green. Fun Day support for CREst etc. (Promote community by issuing event participants Lapel Labels on which they can put their : Name; Rainbow zone: interests etc.) e.g. at AGM and Christmas Party
Continue reviewing and learning about all spending partners funding. Learn how to consult on using Housing funds the (100k ’13-’14) Waters Rd Exploring the better representation of both estates and other tenants such as those in Norbiton Common Rd Area.
Main Objectives: Establish Company. Achieve a few early successes. e.g. ONTF (One Norbiton Task Force) Cleaner Streets. and Surrey Save Learn about where and how to collaborate with existing statutory services, businesses and local schools and Charities.

Review of 2013 Success:
We established some office facilities thanks to CREst sharing their space with us.We set up One Norbiton Company (and a bank account) We started the ONTF. Trained to run a branch of Surrey Save Credit Union. Also ran the local Food Bank.We had contacts with local Chamber of Commerce and Tiffin’s boys school but really little came of this.We tried to start our rainbow gardening scheme but this did not materialise.


Panel target to contact 5 % (500) long-term residents and visitor populations in the ward in regular contact with us Café Football screen. Post Pilot Symposium; Establish a village centre.; Expansion of involvement in Start Ward Rangers scheme. Review progress with: E-democracy, ONTF and Rangers. Explore Mezzanine Project and Surrey Sports centre as joint ventures with local business and RBK. Explore Community Budgets and more local employment opportunities. Consult on redevelopment of Water’s Square.
Formulate business plan for Community Rangers funded from multiple funds Explore better Public Building & Land use. and Environment . Continue and boost Fun days
Explore value to community enhancement by sectoring the ward for sports and gardening competitions rainbow sector. E-democracy
Main Objectives: Setting up Community Rangers. Becoming accepted as truly representative the voices of the public.

Review of 2014 Success:


Panel target to contact 8 % long-term residents and visitor populations in the ward in regular contact with us. Consult on the redevelopment of Tadlow and Piper Hall.
National Flags indicators for Translation by touch screens in community shop.
Singles Coffee bar. Service coproduction events.
Bring-your-own national cakes Tea parties. Pride of place
Main Objective: Constructively welcoming and involving our Transient populations

Review of 2015 Success: Response to panel invitations was poor. We are trying to approach much smaller local populations with Post code Parties- The pilot in Madingley was encouraging. Coffee shop and Hub failed to be become a reality – better luck in 2016.


Pre-school Children Elderly
Life stories local history to engage Refugees and Elderly. Olympic year contribution from Norbiton youth
Main Objective: Ensuring optimum care for our Dependents in the ward e.g. Sick; Elderly; Homeless; Pre-School Children

Review of 2016 Success:


Establish Surrey Sports centre for Gym etc. and Car park
Health-care drop in advice Centres with local NHS.
Eating, Exercise, Immunizations, Addictions
Side-stepping our awkward Personalities- everyone’s job
Main Objectives: Main target Preventive Health in the ward

Review of 2017 Success:


Panel Target 16% of ward in regular contact with us. Car parking for local businesses and industry. ? 3D printing.

Main Objectives Work with Local Business and schools


Cemetery use and green spaces
Main Objectives: Law and order

Review of 2018 Success:


Inter-sector sports and Arts competitions
Main Objectives: Sports Promotion

Review of 2019 Success:2021


Panel Target 25% (2500) Of ward population in regular contact with us
Refurbish Queen Mary’s Hall
Main Objectives: Music, Art & Theatre promotion.

Review of 2020 Success:

to follow

to follow

to follow


Shortly after we were formed as a Community Working Party of Volunteers by ECET in RBK we appointed area Sub-groups. RBK officers Tony Willis, Denise Parry and Carlos Queremel have supported these. The latter have been under the overall leadership first of Martha Early and then of Dean Tyler.
These sub-groups have so far been very successful.

A) The group led by former mayor Ed Naylor has formulated a comprehensive plan for the future employment of local and Kingston-wide NEETs. They have united and introduced disparate groups all working in this area. They have also coordinated an outreach service with the Credit Union Surrey Save to address debt problems on the Estates.

B) The Group led by former Councilor Sheila Griffin has recruited a large number to local Neighborhood watch Plus schemes and set the wheels in motion to reintroduce Community Rangers. Like Ed’s group it has also managed to united two Police liaison groups. Indeed both of theses subgroups may have revealed an important role for localism in rationalizing how disparate local agencies might meet an collaborate under the One Norbiton umbrella.

C) The Group led by the Reverend Peter Holmes has formulated a comprehensive community plan for housing including help for the homeless and has engaged in combatting local developments that threaten to increase urban stress.

D) The group led by civil servant Davinder Lall has successfully approached all Norbiton addresses organized two open public meetings at which our activities and our officers were unanimously approved. There is an ongoing collection of random sample of the ward to measure local views, quality of life and confidential information. John Hall a member of this group has set up our website and is forming an E-Democracy group.

E) The Group led by Jill Preston has set up a Community First panel which is enabling us to get some funding for our administration., banking insurance etc.

Other achievements: We have now established the One Norbiton Company with a Board of directors and proper regulation. We have set a One Norbiton Task Force, which is getting help from Job Centre Plus to recruit local teenagers, and others to do specific tasks like distribute leaflets about our services and us. Set up much needed signage in Cambridge Gardens Estate fence repair etc.

The Future structure this is being addressed at an internal Planning meeting on 18th June



These ideas for furthering our aims can be collected from anywhere, wherever possible they should be referenced. WE can vote on including them and if so prioritizing them for funding etc. Peoples courts; Literacy; Substance abuse; Community Nursing teams; Help for Recidivists (Home Boy Industries); Refugees to help homelands; Village centre; Railway bridge sign of Welcome to Norbiton village. Drop-in Café. Farmers markets ; CareCreds; Kutlets; Raspberry Pi or other cheap computing; Noise and Sirens: Mezzanine Project Cemetery & Hogs Mill; Pride of place and local History; Employment strategy; Vote ware and E-Democracy. Research division; Community Awards; Apprenticeships; 3D printing services. Car park services;

Web Design MymensinghPremium WordPress ThemesWeb Development

Quiz Night


Charity Quiz Night

  • Date: 4th Mar 2014
  • Location: Guildhall
  • Time: 19:00 - 22:30
  • Cost: £6
Charity Quiz Night in aid of Mayor's Charity Appeal 2013/14 Join us on Tuesday 4 March for a fantastic quiz night in aid of the Mayor’s Charity Appeal 2013/2014 (supporting the Alzheimer’s Society and Princes Alice Hospice). The event will be held in the Guildhall, Kingston. Doors open 7pm, quiz starts 7.30pm. A cash bar will be available on site for drinks. Please feel free to bring your own nibbles. Event closes at approximately 10.30pm. Latest deadline for entries is Monday 24 February. To book please contact the Mayor’s Office, on 020 8547 5027/5030 or email