Public Endorsement and Random Panel

In 2012 when we invited by leaflet every household and business (i.e.6000 addresses) in Norbiton to attend our inaugural meeting in Kings Meadow football ground we had a 1% response rate of 60 attendees who endorsed our venture. Since then our Community Working Groups CWGs have been advertised as open to all members of Norbiton.

From the outset, our organisation has had no wish to replace our existing councillors as the statutory elected representatives of Norbiton. However we do want to encourage much more local democracy and to enable all citizens who wish, to express their views on matters of mutual concern. Therefore, following our inaugural meeting, we invited truly random selected group of the households to form our advisory panel to give us more frequent feedback about ideas to improve Norbiton.

We have contacted this our panel twice to ask for their views on specific proposals. See our feedback form and spelt out in more detail on this page.
And we are hoping to persuade them to complete
Our confidential enquiry form is used to collect information about the problems Norbiton residents may have, and also to find out what they would like to see in the future.
To see what our panelists thought about problems in 2012 click the link below

One Norbiton -A review 2015

In 2014/5 we repeated and extended the survey with a somewhat disappointing response. see below


First delivery (by Norbiteens). Txt Response 6 (0.2 %)
Second delivery Incomplete
(50% by mail). Postal Response 11 (0.3%)

Total responding so far is 17 is nearly 0.5% Compare this with 2012 figures where we had a response of (1.4%) 44 responded to leafleting 300 addresses then door to door knocking
Panel Total is now 61 but many of original contacts may have moved on
Results of this year’s 11 responses.

AGREE =6 (85%) DISAGREE =1
Form returned but blank 4 (+ 341 No Response)
N.B. Non- voters will be agreeing with the decision of the majority who do vote

1. My Age Group is: 13-17 =0 18-24 =0 25- 64 =7 (100%) 65-84 =0 85+ =0

2. I am Female =3 Male =4 (57%)

3. My household income is above £16000* =4 (66%) below £16000 =2
*Poverty line
4. I would like to help with Neighbourhood watch =6 (100%) No reply =1

5. Do you yourself, or do you know a neighbour, who has difficulties with:
Loneliness =0 Debt =0 Speaking English =0 Childcare =1 Disabilities =2 Addictions =1
i.e. 4/7 57% report there are problems known to them

6. How happy or unhappy are you, in general, about living in Norbiton?
60% =2 70% =2 80% =0 90% =2 100% =1
i.e. 100% of responders recorded a QoL score of 60% or more
(Compared with the results two years ago (on 36 responses) showed 83% were 60% or more
And 16.6% were 50% or less)
7. In future please contact me by E-mail recorded = 6
Mobile Phone Numbers recorded =3

8. Please replace me on the Panel with another randomly chosen resident = 4/11 36%

One consequence of this public engagement was that they highlighted Drug problems a real concern in Norbiton. We therefore got these included as an important police priority for this area and have begun trying out a DIY treatment smartphone App ( as a help for addiction. More recently we have been assisting in the management of Street Drinkers.

In future we intend following up our enquiries with regular community engagement surveys. However we are now trying to get a more personal approach going with Post Code parties

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Quiz Night


Charity Quiz Night

  • Date: 4th Mar 2014
  • Location: Guildhall
  • Time: 19:00 - 22:30
  • Cost: £6
Charity Quiz Night in aid of Mayor's Charity Appeal 2013/14 Join us on Tuesday 4 March for a fantastic quiz night in aid of the Mayor’s Charity Appeal 2013/2014 (supporting the Alzheimer’s Society and Princes Alice Hospice). The event will be held in the Guildhall, Kingston. Doors open 7pm, quiz starts 7.30pm. A cash bar will be available on site for drinks. Please feel free to bring your own nibbles. Event closes at approximately 10.30pm. Latest deadline for entries is Monday 24 February. To book please contact the Mayor’s Office, on 020 8547 5027/5030 or email [email protected]