Mike D’Souza & Jill Preston -One Norbiton 26/10/2016
The One Norbiton collated response
1.1 What types of innovative methods and mechanisms would you use to build, develop and increase the capacity and ability of Kingston tenants and leaseholders to engage with the Council and do more for their communities?
The key innovation that we propose is to create more active and supportive communities by employing a personal and convivial approach to all residents living in RBK’s housing stock who contribute to the HRA.
To do this, we will employ a range of new and old strategies, flexibly adapting our approach according to their comparative success and take great care in using only those staff who have right personal skills to interact warmly with residents.
Resident participation could, in future, become one of the keys to improving publicly provided services. However, at the moment, it appears that it is viewed by the public as strangers doing expensive tick box surveys that focus on demonstrating that residents have been statutorily consulted. Community engagement is the core activity for which One Norbiton was founded and it has spent 6 years costing very little to the taxpayer exploring how to tackle this difficult problem.
We now believe that a much smaller scale personal approach like Postcode parties are the best and most economic option if the aim is to do real transformative engagement that generate both the contacts and the willingness to cooperate and that getting voluntary organisations to organize these has special advantages other radically reducing price. (We also recognize that apathy towards change may be a wholly appropriate indication of contentment with the status quo!)
1.1a Innovative Methods
Postcode parties This approach has already been piloted by One Norbiton on the
Cambridge Road Estate. These have generated an attendance from 30% of the residences invited and leafleted. (cf. 2% response to other sorts of meetings). This response will further increase by door to door knocking and generates 18% email/mobile contacts. This is essentially built on the known success of street parties at getting neighbours to meet each other. Our staff will only act as catalysts to get a system going that recruits local organizers
within a single Post Code (<100 dwellings) Additional activities such as Neighbourhood Watch schemes and WhatsApp groups that can be built around these. The objective being to gradually evolve urban village atmospheres across RBK with active and supportive neighbourhoods reducing social stress and the current need for and reliance on expensive and overstretched public services. Additional to our hubs venues could be the existing RBK Halls Piper, QMH, Kingsnympton Estate etc.
Welcome Packs. The existing packs will be revised to include where possible named
neighbourhood contacts. Regular Postcode Parties may be an opportunity to set up a resident welcome scheme, particularly to identify the elderly, isolated and disabled in the locality. A natural human concern then operates, spontaneously, the main task is sometimes to prevent this from becoming intrusive and a nuisance. Newcomers with limited English would be introduced to charities such as LEAH (Learn English at Home). New babies also would be considered newcomers and their arrival would provide the neighbourhood with the opportunity of supporting families with preschool children.
Cascaded Training. By the second or third Postcode party potential neighborhood organizers
might be identified. These can be recruited to not only contact their immediate neighbours but also undergo training to interview and to cascade their training on to others. If this is targeted first in areas where regeneration is being actively contemplated such as the CRE, then
Co-design and co-production might be launched with the help of these organizers at very little extra cost. This increased capacity will facilitate Lots 2 and 3
Public Meetings. These, sometimes, have difficulties in becoming quorate. We will
experiment with Digitally attended and extended meetings. Open face to face meetings may
be difficult for the shy or for the very busy to attend. Using face time broadcast technology, venues can become digitally open to external contemporaneous attendance. By having them podcast they can be accessed for voting during a block of time e.g. Seven Days. These podcasts can in themselves become the minutes of a meeting and reduce the need for paper records that may be contentious and a burden to prepare. Voting on important issues is often the minimal level of engagement we would seek. Eventually, all Voting, even at the meetings could become digital using electronic identity. This will require IT expertise that could be outsourced to the University or elsewhere.
Newsletters These could be produced much more cheaply by phasing out paper and as digital contacts increase substitute it with Blogs from the local Postcode communities and the central community group meetings; e.g. One Norbiton and One Chessington etc.
Complaint handling seeing this as an opportunity to engage and learn. Employ a
sympathetic approach by right. Publicly timing their resolution might encourage a more effective system as this will highlight those doing a good job.
Digital Champions –We will provide access to digital champions who may assist the disabled in their own homes. Where available local Hubs may provide free internet access. Both these would be opportunities to encourage people to engage personally.
Digital methods – Texts; email, Facebook Twitter WhatsApp, e-Democracy – One Norbiton
already provides most of these in Norbiton. As more volunteers are recruited e-Democracy
will be spread across RBK. We also will try a new App to encourage the competitive earning of CareCreds for taking better care of oneself and one’s community.
1.2 How would you enhance the capacity of already existing groups of tenants and leaseholders to engage (e.g. residents associations and community groups)?
We will engage with the seven Resident Associations (RA’s) and other community and Special interest groups (who meet RA constitutional governance criteria) in the Borough. The chairs of these groups will be invited to quarterly Strategic meetings at Borough Level hosted and chaired on a rotational basis. 1Kingston will represent RBK and the other members the statutory voice of the Residents. The existing funding for individual Associations and Community Groups who meet the necessary criteria will continue. One Kingston will also have the responsibility to look after the interests of and represent all residents who have no formalized representation.
Training for groups
We will offer all groups training in Health and Safety, Food Hygiene, First Aid and Safeguarding. This will enhance their confidence and encourage them to catalyze social activity in their areas. In addition, we will encourage a co-operative approach to sharing equipment such as gazebos, for events like Fun Days reduce the financial overheads for such events.
We will work in close conjunction with Wellbeing, ECET, LEAH and Refugee Action to help with marginalised groups.
1.3 How would you build and develop new groups and their capacity to engage? The development of new groups is a key part of our programme. However representative groups have proved difficult to set up and have their own problems. Too often the leadership, if successful, becomes central to everything and unintentionally discourages further involvement by others. One Norbiton is anxious to get more individuals to represent themselves online. This has particular advantages for the shy etc. and those too busy to attend meetings. So we will try to develop more online meetings. Recruiting individuals through the social events organized has proved to be an effective method as volunteers are more willing to come forward when they have enjoyed personal interaction.
There is also scope for encouraging special interest groups to become involved. Many currently exist outside of the recognized system but have been ‘ring fenced out’
What are we proposing to do?
In brief we propose to recruit volunteer home based long-term disabled community organizers. We will train them how to catalyze postcode parties in the main council house areas of Kingston using our electoral roll local posters same design branding in local venues. After these parties we will encourage the development of new neighbourhood groups who hold recurrent parties and then progress to form ward- wide groups similar to One Norbiton. Thus reviving the former strategic aim of realizing ONE Kingston for which One Norbiton was a
pilot. These Ward based organizers will meet in person and hold electronic meetings.
1.4 What kinds of community-led initiatives would you enable to bring about improved wellbeing for residents and their neighbourhoods?
We have already mentioned our proposed borough-wide Post-code parties and Family Fun days. As well as these CREst organizes Christmas Galas, Half-term Horrors and supports Resident involvement in annual Family Learning Festivals. Coach trips have also proved to be very popular. By taking advantage of the RAKat mini-buses and volunteer drivers these are cost effective, encourage families the elderly and isolated residents to enjoy a day out and result in rewarding new friendships with fellow travelers. We have also found these to be ideal for informal information gathering during the return trip. We propose that all these activities continue and are extended on a Borough-wide basis, help being provided to the new community groups by our organizers to set up their own community-led initiatives.
2.1 Please provide an Operational Plan with key milestones for setting up and delivering services in Lot 1. This should set out in full supporting details of the staff and other resources which will be utilized. The Operational Plan should detail the Contractor’s management and control processes, which clearly indicate how you propose to manage the quality of the service (please refer to any quality management systems you propose to use during the term of the contract).
Please see Attached Table
2.1 One Norbiton 26/10/2016
Administered by
One Norbiton
Community Events Special Interest Groups
3+ years Reduced Isolation Increased community
£45,000 Rewards* KVA £500 Posters RBK
TOTAL Costs for 3 years
Post code parties Local Groups
Quarterly meetings Training Schedule Regular Communication
Create events calendar
Advertise major events through print and media
Initiate CareCreds Competition including QoL
Electronic Communications
Community Newsletter
Information bulletins and posters
Implement ‘Circle of Communication’
Improved relationship with RBK
Greater cultural understanding
Reduced ASB
Greater Community Spirit Better relationship with residents
Reduced Loneliness and Isolation
Greater attendance at events
Enhanced awareness Increased Neighbourliness
Increased Health Improved Quality of Life Reduced Health & Care costs
Increased Neighbourliness Reduced Loneliness and Isolation
Greater Community Spirit Better relationship with residents
Greater local awareness Better engaged residents Increased feedback
Increased resident participation
Better informed residents Greater inclusiveness Enhanced community cohesion
One Norbiton Company
Promotions co- ordinator & Outcomes surveys
One Norbiton Company
Promotions co-ordinator
Newsletter Editor
Chair of Chair’s Group/ One Norbiton Company
3 years
Three times per year for 3 years
3 years
Every 3 months for 3 years
Quarterly – after Housing Committee
Meet Quarterly for 3 years
3 years
£ £
£ £
2100 Training 1300 Kindles
15,000 Rewards 1500 Adverts
500 – Trophies
5000 Rewards
£500 Transport £6300 RA grants £4500 Refreshments
Refugee Action LEAH
FED ECET Wellbeing NHS
Wellbeing Service ECET
Local Community Group or RA
Local Groups Specialist Groups Elected members Local Community Group or RA Elected members
GOVERNANCE Food hygiene Health and Safety First Aid
Health & Safety Food Hygiene First Aid
Event Planning
Design and computer training
Data input CareCreds App
Digital Champions Internet Cafes
Editorial / website training ( KVA)
D& B CHECKS SAFEGUARDING Minute taking etc.
£1 500 Photocopier £ 1000 Consumables
£250 Travel
£100 Consumables
£30000 ON Costs
Rewards* = Vouchers and other payments
to participants (long term disability has limits on additional income levels before benefits are reduced)
2.2 Please include a Business Continuity Plan to ensure service delivery for the entire term of the contract. This should include partner organisations, the skills and experience of the key members of staff delivering the plan, how the service will be resourced to ensure continuity of resources throughout the contract term, staffing levels and other resources/assets that will be required.
Click on Smart sheet link below
Here’s a quick update on these attachments.
Child Protection Policy Statement.1.doc (78k)
Equality and Diversity Monitoring.doc (168k)
Minutes Template.doc (96k)
Agenda Template.docx (53k)
Training needs form.docx (22k)
2.3 Working with other Lots 2 and 3
The logic of having three lots is clear. In Lot 1 we are developing new capacity across the borough for RBK residents to engage in the co-design and then co-production envisaged in Lot 2. Lot 3 will embed evaluation throughout the process – starting with establishing base-lines.
Subject to data protection rules we will share data with the bid winners in Lots 2 and 3. And we will participate in surveys wherever possible and are happy to share our simple QoL Thymometry tool.
Our philosophy is built around each partner working to their strengths in each Lot. However, we also need to cover the essentials of the existing RP job description with respect to the the rest of the Council and dovetail into the role of the RAs. Our One Kingston proposal deals with this role in relation to the necessary dialogue with residents.
2.4 Please describe any risks in relation to delivering the service/s required for the contract term and how you would seek to address them.
Residents’ engagement is a notoriously difficult task. As with many previous strategies, our major risk will be poor response from the target population.
Like Street parties, Postcode Parties have intrinsic benefits irrespective of whether they generate a large population who are prepared to co-design and co-produce. We would not consider even approaching the attendees to help until they had come previously for purely social reasons; to do otherwise would be rightly construed as manipulative. Filling in tick boxes and questionnaires has long been seen as an annoyance as well as a risk of loss of confidentiality that somehow might threaten security of tenure etc. This can only be offset If personal approaches that generate trust and guarantee confidentiality and if the help requested is interesting and creative and of obvious relevance to their families’ future.
Our promotion of a convivial atmosphere by having a third-party like CREst and One Norbiton there will not be so threating to people who usually like to avoid contact with officialdom.
Legislation such as the Housing Act 2016 will have to be complied with and our existing policies for safeguarding equality and equal opportunities are attached. We are covered by CREst ‘s insurance (Morton) for all the various events we will be organising.
2.5 Please describe what legislative requirements and national policy changes you see affecting current and future service delivery.
The growing national and local shortage of adequate affordable housing may well attract future legislation. The recent 2011 Localism Act should help with our approach to empower residents and this fits in with RBKs Strategic Housing Policy 2015-2020. The concept of localism that we are promoting across the Borough has cross-party support. However, the handling of Brexit could create tensions given that RBK’s BME ethnic population is 37%. and we must remain flexible particular with regards to pace of change.
We must take due note of the Housing and Planning Act 2016 which may present big problems for leaseholders. Its intention is to increase the size of the housing stock but is not seen as favorable to Social Housing. However, it makes widespread changes to housing policy and the planning system that are statutory. It introduces legislation to allow the sale of higher value local authority homes, introduce starter homes and “Pay to Stay” and other measures intended to promote home ownership and boost levels of housebuilding. The Act has been subject to a number of criticisms by those opposed to the loss of social housing promoted, the extension of right-to-buy to housing associations and possible work disincentives under “Pay to Stay”.
The real threat this poses to our “conviviality approach” is that people often blame the administrators of law for the legislation and need convincing that they had no power
the administrators of law for the legislation and need convincing that they had no power
over framing it.
There may however be opportunities for innovation in this situation e.g. To frame
schemes whereby people can earn more security of tenure or more choice about where they live by linking healthy and socially responsive behavior to this (see our CareCreds scheme).
Also One Norbiton is interested in intervening early for tenants getting into rental difficulties. We have links with Christians Against Poverty who train people to take better care of their finances. It seems appropriate behavior to export those local tenants who get into housing difficulties from the Boroughs duty of care.
3.1 Please propose Key Performance Indicators, including baselines and targets, which will demonstrate effectiveness of service and contribute towards achieving this Lot’s requirements and overall Outcomes detailed in Section 19 of the Specification. Key Performance Indicators should be SMART, and each must be addressed, and each Outcome must be addressed. Please note the guidance given in Table 2 of the Specification.
In RBK’s Housing Strategy 2015-2020
Strategic Priority Three is Building resilient and sustainable local communities We have created our KPIs around the four Objectives under this heading i.e.
Objective 1 To increase the numbers of Active and supportive neighbourhoods amongst RBK residents
Objective 2 Increase the quality of life* for the vulnerable in the RBK Community Objective 3 Increase health and well-being in the RBK Community
Objective 4 Increase the numbers of local people involved in working together to tackle housing issues in RBK
Action: Our Resident Engagement techniques, Co-design and Co-production
Key Performance indicator: 1
Baseline 1 = number of Active and supportive neighbourhoods amongst RBK residents currently 0
Target 1 More new Active and supportive neighbourhoods amongst RBK residents per year
Outcome 1: Measured increase in Active and supportive neighbourhoods amongst RBK residents
KPI: 2
Baseline 2 = Quality of life score for the vulnerable in the RBK Community currently?
Target 2 quality of life for the vulnerable in the RBK Community closer to general population
Outcome 2: Improvement in quality of life for the vulnerable in the RBK Community
KPI: 3
Baseline 3 = health and well-being score for the general RBK Community currently?
Target 3 health and well-being score for the general RBK Community closer to general population
Outcome 3: Improvement in health and well-being score in the general RBK Community
KPI: 4
Baseline 4 = the numbers of local people involved in working together to tackle housing issues in RBK. Currently?
Target 4 Six community groups involved in working together to tackle housing issues in RBK (particularly in areas facing regeneration)
Outcome 4: Growing numbers of local people involved in working together to tackle housing issues in RBK and more established Community Hubs
In addition to the above One Norbiton will be accessing publically available data to observe secular trends in its own desired outcome list. Viz. below
• Decrease local crime rates (Police)
• Improved local educational attainment (Schools)
• Reduction in local benefit claims (Local Statistics)
• Improvement in local health measures (NHS)
• Improvement in local quality of life* (we have already started measuring this in our
randomly selected panel. (Ourselves)
• Reduced local family breakdown (Courts)
• ? Increased population stability (Housing surveys)
*Possibly Using Thymometry to measure QoL and well-being
3.2 Please propose the frequency of reporting against your Key Performance Indicators. Please note that it is an additional requirement to produce an annual report, annual service user questionnaire and case studies. Your proposed performance measures may be included within these requirements.
It will be important to detect that any method of improving capacity is unlikely to work as soon as possible so that an alternative can be deployed. We therefore propose official reporting every six months of commencing our postcode parties but we will be aware of whether we are collecting more contact data as soon as the first parties have been held.
One Norbiton 26/10/2016
3.3 How would you ensure this lot works effectively with the rest of the Resident Engagement Function (Lots 2 and 3) as well as Council teams and contributes to corporate outcomes for resident engagement?
We intend to cover the essentials of the existing RP job description with respect to the the rest of the Council and dovetail our activities to share the role of the RAs. In our Quarterly One Kingston meetings.
Subject to data protection We will share Contacts with Lot 2 and 3.
Persuading residents to partner providers to engage in constructively criticize services is easier that getting them to co-design and co-produce. To get this engagement done requires staff who are warm and trustworthy.
We will try to ensure that all staff, whether volunteer or paid, work together as a team with not just within a budgetary bunker. Our KPIs mirror Kingston’s.
3.4 How would you ensure you are flexible and able to adapt your approach to what is and is not working well as well as responding to changing priorities within resident engagement?
Early warning of failure of an approach must be balanced against premature withdrawal of a technique that would become successful if given time. This is a judgement call that is assisted by measuring small improvements. The yield of contact details accruing from postcode parties should be within the first quarter. If this does not occur at all then a review of strategy will apply.
The next stage of Resident engagement in Lot 2 should be also observed within the first six months.
4.1 Do you envisage partnership working with local agencies in delivering this Lot and how would you go about ensuring effective partnership working?
Yes. Building and effective collaboration between Residents Associations and Local Charities and coordinating their partnerships with RBK NHS and other public agencies so that we all work together as equal partners is crucial to our success in promoting integrated services.
This was one of the original aims of One Norbiton. Please see our organizational plan.
4.2 Please describe any additional social value (social, economic and environmental benefits) that your approach to this contract will deliver for the Kingston area?
We see Social value arising from the following areas mentioned in the Social Value Toolkit
– providing apprenticeships/ training – Within our hubs and in the field helping with data gathering.
– getting marginalized groups back to work – We are keen to engage disabled and others is confidence building voluntary work – improving district centers
– developing community hubs
– reducing health inequalities and improving wellbeing
– making local communities safer – neighborhood watch groups and Police presence in our hubs
– improving the local economy – Incentivizing volunteers with local shop discount schemes
– reducing social isolation
– increasing community cohesion
– buying from local businesses
– improving skills and wellbeing of volunteers
5.1 How would you encourage general involvement as well as target and develop capacity to engage among harder to reach groups and people made vulnerable by factors contributing to disengagement such as +disability, disadvantage, language barriers among others?
Again our personal approach to Residents would help. Our Fun Days use of Learn English at Home, Working with Refugee Action etc. We already have good relationships with Faith groups with a Director on the board who is a Mullah. We also have strong relationships with the NHS with a retired GP as a director who on a Design team linking social services and health. Our work with addicts and Street Drinkers would be continued and enhanced as this produces benefits to the wider community as well as the sufferers themselves. An important group are those with personality difficulties. They characteristically exhibit non-cooperative and sometimes offensive behavior to the detriment of their being readily accepted by their communities. Handling these people counter aggression and by lowering fear and is generally the most successful strategy.
6.1 Please describe how you will incorporate safeguard considerations including training, acting on feedback, evidence of staff feeling confident to report safeguarding issues and procedures for staff escalating any safeguarding issues.
One Norbiton’s core staff was already trained in Safeguarding prior to setting up the Community Hub. All newcomers will be offered training and one of our Directors is a Trainer working for Achieving for Children. See Directors profiles below
Bidders should note the Pricing Evaluation will be based on the Total Annual Delivery Cost
Performance area
Building, developing and supporting residents’ capacity to engage
Building, developing and supporting the capacity of residents and Resident Groups to engage
Building, developing and supporting the capacity of residents and Resident Groups to engage
Activity (please list the LOT 1 Specific activities required to meet outcomes stated in the Service Specification)
Central Administration
Recruiting & Training Local Volunteer Organisers and supporting RAs
Year one Area 1 & 2 & 3 plus the 7 existing RAs
Year two 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 with 7+ RAs
Year three 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 with 7+ RAs
Outcome-related Rewards Data analysis and Sharing
Total Annual Delivery Cost £K LOT 1
7.5k 2.5k
TUPE NOT INCLUDED – Total Average Annual Price £37.1K
This is based on maintaining Central Office at current costs plus adding in
supported rewarded volunteer staff @ 10k p.a.
Rewarding Volunteer Home based self-employed Locality Organizers* @ 5k p.a. each Resident Centre
The target is to engage with at least 7 areas of RBK containing tenants and leaseholders in a variable number of Post-code neighbourhoods Payment to RA meeting governance requirements £300 p.a. per RA
* These rewards could operate as “stepping-stone” employment to help suitably skilled chronically disabled get back into work and may be eligible for additional funding from government schemes
Bidders should note the Pricing Evaluation will be based on the Total Annual Delivery Cost
Performance area
Building, developing and supporting residents’ capacity to engage
Building, developing and supporting the capacity of residents and Resident Groups to engage
Building, developing and supporting the capacity of residents and Resident Groups to engage
Activity (please list the LOT 1 Specific activities required to meet outcomes stated in the Service Specification)
Recruiting & Training Local Volunteer Organisers and supporting RAs
Year one Area 1 & 2 & plus the 7 existing RAs
Year two 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 with 7+ RAs
Year three 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 with 7+ RAs
Outcome-related Rewards Data analysis and Sharing
Total Annual Delivery Cost £K LOT 1
22.5k 2.5k
TUPE INCLUDED -Total Average Annual Price £52.1K (Not including any innovation cost supplement)
This is based on maintaining Central Office at current costs plus adding in
supported rewarded volunteer staff @ 10k p.a. and one Home and Office based
self-employed Secretarial staff member who would manage their own TUPE costs
(final rewards could be increased by innovation payments if these were made available)
Rewarding Volunteer Home based self-employed Locality Organizers* @ 5k p.a. each Resident Centre
The target is to engage with at least 7 areas of RBK containing tenants and leaseholders in a variable number of Post-code neighbourhoods
Payment to RA meeting governance requirements £300 p.a. per RA
* These rewards could operate as “stepping-stone” employment to help suitably chronically disabled get back into work and may be eligible for additional funding from government schemes
Addendum Directors of CREst and One NORBITON
Dr. Mike D’Souza MD FRCGP FFPHM FRSA (MBBS MRCS LRCP Dip Immunology, Dip Dermatology RCGP Dip in Addiction Care) Chair One Norbiton has worked in Norbiton Cambridge Estate since 1975
Address: 28 Albany Park Rd Kingston Upon Thames Surrey KT2 5SW
Set up One Norbiton Company Ltd by Guarantee on 31 October 2012
Born South Wales Married 3 Children 5 Grandchildren.
13 O levels. 5 A levels in Greek, Latin, Ancient History, Physics & Chemistry
Qualified in Medicine at Guy’s Hospital 1966
Lecturer in Community Medicine at St Thomas’s Hospital
MD Doctorate in Health Screening. Special interests Allergy, Mental Health and Addiction. GP in Kingston 1975 to 2011 Senior Partner 2010
GP tutor for Kingston
Member of Kingston Health Authority
Journalist on Daily Mirror and other national papers.
Chairman and founder of Kingston & Richmond Multifund (precursor to present day CCG) Advisor to Secretary State for Health on Resource Allocation since 1997.
Chair of Localism Project “One Norbiton”
Founder and Chair of TORCHE CC Ltd (A not-for-profit Research Company)
Products: Tele-dermatology; Thymometry -QoL measure and
DIY addiction control App using CareCreds
Awards: Doctor National Award for CareCreds
Appointed Localism Champion by DCLG 2013
Mayor of Kingston Award 2016
Jill Preston – Chair of CREst and Company Secretary of One Norbiton
Resident Cambridge Rd Estate for over a decade
61 Graveley, Willingham Way, Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey, Uk, KT1 3HY Appointed on 31 October 2012
Schooling: – 13 ‘O’ Levels 3 A levels – Statistics; Physics and English
Training: Institute Personnel Management Grades A – C (Assistant Staff Manager level)
Experience: Retail Office Management; Store Room Manager-Retail Food & Restaurant Management; Assistant Staff Manager All passed with distinction
EMPLOYMENT 1974 – 1980
BHS: – 1977 –78 Retail Management trainee
Studied Personnel, Office, Catering and Retail management
Assist/ Manager/ Acting Personnel Manager/ Departmental Manager
Office Manager incorporating:
Admin, Marketing, Accounts, Minute taking and meeting admin, Event Planning and catering,
Magazine Distribution, BMF Rally co-organizer, International Motorcycle Show, National Rally
Promoted to General Secretary of Organization
Management Planning and acting as Lead Event manager or key annual events such as AGM, Annual and regional conferences, Multi National Rallies and co-organizer of Annual Nation Rally Training students from local colleges. Coordinating bi-monthly Magazine. Mail-Sort and updating of computer data systems. Implemented the ‘Regionalization’ of National Federation creating systems to deliver services at both
regional, local and national level.
Further in-post Training
1992 Sage Accountant-Plus 1 week computer course Distinction
1995 Mensa – IQ 159 – Top 1%
Chair of CREst A Community Charity on the Cambridge Rd Estate Since 2006
Other Training:
2006 Financial planning and KVA course Event management
Food Hygiene, Health and Safety, ‘Outcomes’ ‘Creating a Website’ – all courses accredited by KVA and passed. First Aid level 2 = Surrey Ambulance Service – Grade A
Key Achievements:
• Applied for funding and co-administered project to build new ‘Play-scheme’ on the CRE when ‘Play builder’ funding was withdrawn.. Included procurement, planning and project management.
• Organiser of CREst Fun Day, working with RBK and many other partner agencies annually.
• Received Mayors Award for Community
• CREst received Mayors Special recognition for work helping residents following Madingley Fire • Finalist in Team London Awards 2016.
Company Secretary and Director of One Norbiton since 2012
Runs Weekly ‘Surrey Save’ credit union Foodbank distributor.
Clive Clarke – Company Director One Norbiton
Flat 25, 82 Eaton Drive, Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey, England, KT2 7QZ
Appointed on
19 February 2015
Nationality British
Director JOEL COMMUNITY SERVICES (09140549) Appointed on
21 July 2014
Rashid Ali Ismail Laher – Company Director One Norbiton
13 Dinton Road, Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey, England, KT2 5JT
ONE NORBITON (08275614) ACTIVE Appointed on
19 February 2015
Retired British Army Officer
AGE CONCERN KINGSTON UPON THAMES (02272550) Company status: Director
Appointed on
31 October 200
Phil Hutchinson Company Director One Norbiton
24 Eton Avenue, New Malden, England, KT3 5AZ
Appointed 28 October 2016
Trained geographer
Retired secondary Head teacher and consultant on school design.
One previous c.v. claimed “His opinion is widely sought and published by the national and educational press and as far away as Finland and The Czech Republic.” (based on the fact I have had articles in the national press and been interviewed for articles in Finland and The Czech Republic. I didn’t write the cv – simply sent in bullet point information).
Worked co-operatively in those roles:
As Head teacher –
– Led on many inter school projects
– Established one of the first school, if not the first, twinning arrangements with the government’s DfES – Set up twinning arrangement with sixth- form/adult ed. college in Denmark
– Conference speaker
As School design consultant –
– Worked with architects, national/international construction companies and local authorities – Worked with companies bidding to win contracts to build schools
Working with a local Debt Centre and the local Credit Union to help alleviate debt and tackle deprivation
Delivering a money management course
Trying to work co-operatively by linking with other local organisations (e.g. Kingston Pound, Community Brain, Foodbank) Working with university on research project into poverty and deprivation
Speaking at churches, local organisations on the debt centre
Skills/Qualities: (provided by Jenny, my wife) Ability to work with others
Lateral thinker, Sense of humour, Caring
David Ryder Mills – Company Director One Norbiton
Appointed 28 October 2016
1. 9 years’ experience as a local Councilor – community engagement a key skill and component of the role.
2. 10 years employed as casework manager to a Member of Parliament – real hands on engagement working with Government Depts.,
Local Authorities and other bodies to resolve constituents’ issues.
3. Experience as a school governor in 3 different schools – currently Governor at King Athelstan Primary school. All these are examples of how I have successfully engaged with the communities which I served and still serve.”
Geraldine Burgess Company Director One Norbiton & Treasurer One Norbiton and CREst
53 Windsor Avenue New Malden Surrey KT3 5H
Appointed 28 October 2016
I have worked in childcare for over 35 years, as a frontline worker in a school, disabled children’s team and now as a manager of a team of short break workers. Over this time, I have been a Children’s Nanny, Foster-Carer and Training Officer.
I am responsible for the supervision of 7 front line workers in children’s social care, this includes being aware of the risks that children and
young people are managing in their families.
I chair the Short Breaks Funding Panel for Achieving for Children in both the Kingston and Richmond Integrated Service for Children with Disabilities.
I am a budget signatory for several budgets within AFC and have responsibility for ensuring the funds given to parents as direct payment is used appropriately.
In my home life I care for my husband who has a long term health condition, I volunteer for CREST and Spartan Swimming Club. I previously lived in social housing on the Cambridge Road Estate.
I also do the accounts for a youth club that I work on.