As Addiction has been identified as one of our major local problems, One Norbiton is testing “CareCreds’ as a free D.I.Y service for those with harmful habits Click the link below to see it
- Cambridge Road Estates Community Group
- Money Advice Service
- Our Facebook Page
- Surrey Save
- Healthy lifestyles
- Translation of external web sites
- Find a tutor
- Cambridge Road Estates Community Group
- The Samaritans – Kingston Branch
- Kingston Mental Health Carers’ Forum
- Norbiton Children’s Centre
- Carecreds
- The Centre for Community Development (CCD)
- Joel Community Trust
- Refugee Action Kingston
- Learn English at Home
- Kingston upon Thames Local Exchange Trading System (KUTLETS)
- Kingston Voluntary Action
- Kingston + District Welcare Association
- Shiraz Mirza Community Hall
- Community upon Thames
- Anstee Bridge Programme
- Kingston Pound Project
- Domestic Violence Services
- 020 8786 2128 Hestia Floating Support Service
- 020 7801 1777 Victim Support
- 080 8801 0660 Domestic & Sexual Violence Helpline
- 020 8547 5004 Children’s Safeguarding Service
- 080 8200 0247 24hr National Domestic Violence Helpline
- 080 8801 0327 Men’s Advice Line (for male victims of abuse)
- 080 8800 5000 NSPCC Helpline
- 020 7008 0151 Forced Marriage Unit Helpline
- 080 8800 4444 Shelterline (housing advice)
- 079 1727 1549 The One Stop Shop (Every Monday 9.30-12.30 Kingsgate Church, Clarence St, Kingston KT1 1QT)
- Kingston Data Observatory
- Joseph Rowntree Foundation
- Openly Local
- Office of National Statistics (ONS)
- Greater London Authority
- Voluntary Sector Data Bank
- Child Poverty
- Benefits (DWP)
- Child & Maternal Health Intelligence Network
- World Bank Data Portal
- UK Data Service
- Open Data Communities
- Cabinet Office Community Life Survey
- Open Charities
- Nominet Trust
- Crime Mapping
- Local Government Information Unit article in the Guardian
- CREST Newsletters
- OneNorbiton Launch
- “Mind the Gap” protests
- David Marlow
- Child Poverty
Other Useful Links
Community and resident groups
Phone Numbers
Local businesses
RBK and Government
Data Sources
Neighbourhood police
References in the media