The HOMELESS -A Victory for Pragmatic Compassion!

We have just heard that, following a petition set up by the Liberal Democratic party that attracted over 450 signatures, our RBK’s Resident Participation team is no longer refusing to let CREst and One Norbiton use Piper Hall to give hot food to the Homeless on the Thursday after Christmas.
At a meeting on 26th September with Hall users, the Residents Participation team said that they would not open the Hall for the Homeless on the 28th of December because their team needed to have an undisturbed two-week holiday over Christmas. We then requested that Jill Preston be allowed to take responsibility and open up the Hall up without disturbing them. This too was refused despite our explaining that this had been permitted last year and that she had been responsibly holding the key for the past fifteen years. We are really grateful to all those who organized and signed the petition and got this decision reversed.

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Quiz Night


Charity Quiz Night

  • Date: 4th Mar 2014
  • Location: Guildhall
  • Time: 19:00 - 22:30
  • Cost: £6
Charity Quiz Night in aid of Mayor's Charity Appeal 2013/14 Join us on Tuesday 4 March for a fantastic quiz night in aid of the Mayor’s Charity Appeal 2013/2014 (supporting the Alzheimer’s Society and Princes Alice Hospice). The event will be held in the Guildhall, Kingston. Doors open 7pm, quiz starts 7.30pm. A cash bar will be available on site for drinks. Please feel free to bring your own nibbles. Event closes at approximately 10.30pm. Latest deadline for entries is Monday 24 February. To book please contact the Mayor’s Office, on 020 8547 5027/5030 or email [email protected]